Week of 3/26/12 – 3/30/12 Workout 4 (MOTIVATION)



Equipment Needed: Mat, Weights & Gymboss or Stopwatch


Hello CoreCampers,



Exercises That We Will Be Doing:

18 Rounds 40:15

1. Weighted Right lunge to Right Squat

2. Half Jacks

3. Single Weighted Pikes

4. Weighted Left lunge to Left Squat

5. Quick Feet with weight overhead

6. Plank w/2nd half off knees

7. Wide squat to Arnold Press

8. Low Narrow to Wide Squat Jumps

9. Bicycle

10. Boat Overhead Presses

11. Dumbbell Swings

12. Straight Plank, touch knee with opp hand

13. Lunge/Bicep Curls

14. Low Impact Plyo Jack

15. Single Leg Killer Abs

16. Wide Squat/Tricep Press

17. Weighted semi swing, side step (start narrow)

18. On butt, weight side to side

Let me know how you did and as always, don’t sacrifice form for speed!

Ali & Mark