Week of 3/26/12 – 3/30/12 Workout 3 (GET IT DONE)



Equipment Needed: Mat, Weights, & Gymboss or Stopwatch


Hello CoreCamper,


Exercises That We Will Be Doing:

10 ROUNDS 45:15

  1. Weight on right shoulder, left side lunge and twist
  2. One Weight, 180 jump, jump forward then back, grab weight and 180 again
  3. Weight on left shoulder, right side lunge and twist
  4. Lunge Jump, holding weight up
  5. Ninja Pushups
  6. 10 Hill Climbers, 1 up down plank
  7. Plank Jacks
  8. Side Burpee with Ninja Knee
  9. Extreme Crab Kicks (nose to knee)
  10. Planks around the world (hold each 3 counts)

*BONUS* !!!   2 Minute Marathon Bike

Let me know how you did and as always, don’t sacrifice form for speed!

Ali & Mark